Predictive Analytics to Improve Healthcare Resource Utilization: A Case Study in Predicting Patient Discharge Type


Wednesday, June 21, 2023


2:15 pm


Red Rock Ballroom I


Hospital beds are an important, finite resource in the healthcare system, and effective utilization of this resource is key to both providing the highest standard of care as well as ensuring operational efficiency. However, the discharge process is often a bottle neck due to the necessity of completing time consuming discharge paperwork as well as the need to identify non-hospital healthcare facilities with capacity to transfer patients that need continuing care. In this case study, we use patient interaction data during the hospital stay to build a predictive model for patient discharge type (defined as both a binary variable and a multi-class classification problem) allowing discharge staff to preemptively begin these time consuming steps in the discharge process. This allows for earlier discharge of patients and more effective utilization of the hospitals resources. While this system has not been implemented at this time, we provide a framework to evaluate the economic value of a predictive model within this context.

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